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If you are planning an Amiga exposition or Amiga-related tradeshow, tell us the date, time, and place.

Upcoming Amiga Events

22-Jun-2001: Benelux Amiga Show and Amiga LAN Party

On June 23rd 2001 the Dutch Amiga magazine Amiga Scene and Computer City are organising a double-event; The Benelux Amiga Show and the Amiga LAN Party.

The location is Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Many new Amiga products such as the VSS Sound Card, Prometheus and -last but not least- the Eyetech AmigaOne will be shown! Also, several Amiga VIP's will attend the show!

You will find more information on the following websites:

For more information please contact Bruno de Klerk at Amiga Scene or Ron van Herk at Computer City.
For information on the Amiga LAN Party please contact Mathieu Burgerhout

Past Events

AmiWest 2000 - The defining west coast Amiga exhibition, held in Sacramento, CA on July 29 and 30. Amiga President Bill McEwen and Vice President of Distributor and Reseller Sales Petro Tyschtschenko spoke. The Amiga Software Development Kit was on sale at the show.

SEAL Amiga Show - Sept. 10, 2000 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Northlands Park Community Centre in Basildon, Essex, Great Britain.

Pianeta Amiga 2000 - The predominant Amiga-only show in Italy was held in Empoli (Florence) on September 30 and October 1, 2000.

World of Amiga 2000 - Sponsored by Haage and Partner, the world's largest Amiga gathering was held in Koln, Germany.

Amiga 2001 - The steadfast American Amiga show returned to St. Louis, MO on March 30, 31, and April 1, 2001 at the Sheraton Westport Plaza.

K4 - The Kickstart Amiga Show - K4 was held on Saturday May 26th 2001, 12PM - 5PM in association with Eyetech and Analogic. The AmigaOne was on display. Previous events in the UK have only had pictures and diagrams of what is the first new Amiga computer in nearly a decade, but at K4 - The Kickstart Amiga Show they saw the real thing, found out everything there is to know about the new machine and the new Amiga platform. Visit the show's website for more information and images from the show.

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